Thursday, February 10, 2011


recently i attended a lecture on hyperbolic crochet,"Diana Taimina: folding mathematics, craft, and art", the bulk of which was about the awesome geometric powers of the hyperbolic plane. they're basically like "hey Euclidian geometry, fuck you." for example, on a hyperbolic plane,
a²+b²≠c². also, you can create lines that are not parallel, but never intersect. it is impossible to create a grid of squares (in which all lines intersect at 90°) on a hyperbolic plane. i was all "whaaaaaaaaa(t)!?!?!? and took a stab at it myself. (i am still working on this one, it's about the size of a soccer ball right now, but i'd like to make it much bigger.)

this is her blog about crochet and non-euclidian geometry:

i had trouble finding good pictures of her work, but there are a few on her blog. they're hard to appreciate without seeing them in person, most of the pieces are pretty gigantic (which is awesome).

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